Grandma claims spirit sex with late husband

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When the Paranormal chronicles published an article on the concerning increase in Incubus attacks we didnt expect such an huge overwhelming response. The terrifying phenomena has affected hundreds across the world. The article was based upon the evidence and testimonials published in the best selling Ghost sex: The Violation.The book divided skeptics and believers alike with its graphic and detailed account of one woman’s continued abuse from a paranormal entity and possibly an Incubus too.

Could such a thing be possible though? In the article we explored a number of different causes to this debase deviancy and 37.79% of the 586 that voted in our survey believed that these attacks are caused by an Incubus or its female counterpart the Succubus. Only 11.4% believed that the attacks were caused by a sleep disorder such as Sleep paralysis and 6.16% believed it may be caused by alien visitation. Click on this link to see the article and survey in full then ping-back and continue this account.

We received many emails from worried people believing that they too had been victim to an unwanted metaphysical attack.It seems that either there is a worldwide epidemic or only now are people comfortable to come forward with their terrifying testimonials.

Dare you read this chilling and brutal account of paranormal abuse? Click now to read..if you dare!
Dare you read this chilling and brutal account of paranormal abuse? Click now to read..if you dare!

 The Paranormal chronicles thought on the back of these frightful occurrences to publish something a little more heart warming. To some it will still be a chilling and unnerving prospect and to others a warm and welcome account that our loved ones will never leave us.

This Testimonial is a Bonus chapter of Ghost sex: The Violation and despite the brutal and traumatic sexual accounts within its pages this final account may be one of hope and that we will never be truly alone. We present to you exclusivity the full transcript of one Grandmothers claim of sexual spirit relations with her late husband. Jean is a lady in her late eighties that lives near St Davids In Pembrokeshire. This is her story she claims to be true.We invite you to read and decided for yourself on the validity of the documentation.

Jean: This is me and George on our wedding day. It was raining but it didn’t matter. I wanted to marry George from the first day I set eyes on him. What a handsome man. We married in 1947. George was back from the army and we got a small cottage up by the farm where he got work. Harold, our first son, was born on Halloween of all days and two years later on February 13th Michael was born. George wanted a daughter so much and on March 30th 1955, Louise was born, and he was so thrilled. He loved his children so much. We were all so happy. I look back then and it was perfect.They say good things don’t last.

Is one elderly lady still having sex with the spirit of her dead husband?
Is one elderly lady still having sex with the spirit of her dead husband?

George was killed in a tractor accident two weeks after Louise was born. It was heart-breaking. I was so angry with God that he took the man I loved away from me. I had three beautiful children to raise and no husband and they would have no father.

Years went by and one night I woke up and George was on top of me. He was being intimate. I was so shocked. I thought it was a dream. It was a very pleasurable dream. Then it happened again and again. He never says anything when he has relations with me. In fact he says nothing at all. Years went by and he never aged.

I’m 87 years old and George still makes love to me. I have never had to find another man and I love him just the same as when he was alive. I wish sometimes that he could do other things like fix the cupboard or get some shopping in though.

It was queer at first as he never said a word. At first I was frightened but then I realized that it was just George. I could feel him and once it was over he would simply vanish. I made a joke to him once about phantom pregnancies but he just stared at me in silence and kept rutting away.

George still comes to me even though I am an old woman. It makes me happy to think that he sneaks off from heaven just to see his old lady. He loves me for who I am not who I was. I know that when it’s my turn to pass on that he will be there waiting for me and when we are together again we will both be young as we were. If you love someone that much and so strongly then that love will never die and every day I think once I get to heaven we can start all over again but this time we will never be apart.

The Paranormal Chronicles always values your opinions and views so please get in touch.You too can read Ghost sex: The Violation and join as thousands already have the Investigation into a terrifying and brutal Ordeal. We warn you that the novel is sexually graphic and detailed and is not for the faint of heart. This is not merely ghostly erotica but a harsh and at times sickening read. It is available for FREE through Kindle Prime and is also available in paperback through the link at the bottom of this page.

Whatever is behind the phenomena that is causing these attacks does need further investigation and we do hope that you sleep well.

ADULTS ONLY: It has been covered by the media across the GLOBE. Will you dare read? This may be the most chilling and disturbing haunting the U.K has ever known.Ghost sex: The violation  has been described as “Brutal and traumatic.” Will you read it alone? Read the bestseller today if you dare. Click now on the book image below…

Ghost Sex The Violation

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