The truth about alien abduction

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” ― Arthur C. Clarke.

G.L Davies invites you to join him on his most terrifying investigation yet.

In 2009 one woman from Pembrokeshire believed she was abducted by aliens. What followed was a terrifying ordeal of alien visitation, nightmarish visions, encounters with terrifying creatures, a connection to the past and a prophecy of destruction on the scale never seen in Pembrokeshire’s peaceful history.

Should these events be true, then no one is safe? The harvest has begun…

Pembrokeshire, West Wales is no stranger to UFO and alien activity. It is the epicenter of a world-famous UFO flap in the late nineteen seventies to early nineteen eighties. Investigators from all over the world flocked to the beautiful coastal county of Pembrokeshire in search of extra-terrestrial proof.

The Welsh, Dyfed and Broad Haven triangle as it would come to be known would feature an abundance of UFO sightings, anomalous seven-foot spacemen and cattle teleported miles in mere seconds, these, just a few of the strange incidents that took place.

On February 4th, 1977, 16 school children ages between 9 and 11 at the broad haven school claimed to have witnessed a strange silver cigar-shaped object with a dome on top. The object appeared to be in distress and struggled to lift off from a field near the school. The headmaster herded the excited and worried school children into the school hall, and under examination conditions, asked them to draw and write what they believed to have seen, and the interpretations were all eerily similar.

Had the children seen a UFO or had they merely misidentified and witnessed an ordinary object. Young imaginations fueled by a recent BBC Nationwide news item on UFOs.

Researchers, journalists, and investigator have spent many years peeling away at the many layers of these accounts as they attempt to discern just what had happened in this sleepy county. Was this something to do with the military bases and cold war early detection installations, environmental effects created by the oil refineries in the area, hysteria fueled by the misidentified of ordinary objects or an authentic alien presence in the area?

As much as current investigators scrutinised every detail from the past, they may not have realised that the terrifying and disturbing events were still ongoing in Pembrokeshire.

Pembrokeshire resident and best-selling author G L Davies is known to the paranormal and local community for his in-depth, investigations into alleged supernatural accounts.

His documentation of the events of haunted: horror of Haverfordwest has awarded him the accolade of one of the most terrifying authors and researchers of his time. His documentation of a harrowing and prolonged haunting in Haunted: Horror of Haverfordwest even made the #1 most terrifying books of one all-time list and acknowledged as one of the darkest and most thorough investigators of the 21st century. The tag line of dare you read? becoming too much for some as they claimed strange events occurred after reading the book.

His study into Spectrophilia, the phenomena of paranormal sexual abuse in his 2nd investigation Ghost sex: the violation made national and international news. The graphic and raw account of one woman from Pembroke Dock’s allegations, claiming that she has been victim to not only spirits paranormal sexual abuse but also that of a demonic presence shocked many a reader.

It was during his research into the past Pembrokeshire UFO phenomenon, in 2014, that introduced him to a young Pembrokeshire woman named Susan who claimed she had not only witnessed UFO activity in Pembrokeshire from 2009 onwards, but had also been abducted.

Harvest: The true story of Alien abduction is the 6-year long study of Susan’s alleged alien encounters. Susan was subjected to many horrific ordeals and believed, she, like hundreds more are being harvested by an unknown nefarious Alien or dimensional beings.

Harvest: The true story of alien abduction deals with a variety of encounters from Balls of flaming light seen on the Milford Haven waterways, to the first-hand witness encounters with strange and sinister alien beings. She believes close proximity to these beings led to the tragic death of family and pets and what she believes was an experience in which she was on board a large alien factory-like building or vessel where hundreds of women from all over the world were being experimented on, as part of a diabolical breeding program and with some victims entirely harvested.

Harvest: The true Story of Alien abduction delves deep into numerous UFO sightings, encounters with several different alien types and one of the most horrific ordeals imaginable that take place within an alien environment.

Those of a more rational mind may be quick to dismiss her claims. Alien life forms and UFO’s surely do not exist?

For years, researchers claimed the united states government was running a top-secret program and research into the UFO phenomena. Time and time again, the authorities denied everything, telling the media and the public there was no official interest in the subject.


Ufo’s have been written off for years as mirages, misidentifications, hoaxes and delusions or at best prototype aircraft and missiles operated by the U.S or maybe from a country like Russia or China. This dismissal continued despite investigations from Project blue book from 1947 to 1969 which investigated over 12,000 UFO sightings, of which 701 remained a complete mystery.

UFO’s were seen by the Police, military personnel, commercial aviators, doctors, nurses, politicians, royalty, scientists and even presidents BUT the media usually ignored it or ridiculed it, portraying those who had such experiences people as conspiracy nuts and fantasists. Little green men and tin foil hats.

Mikhail Gorbachev leader of the 2nd most powerful nation at the time, after the U.S, said The phenomena of UFO’s is real and it must be treated seriously.

Then in December 2017, the conspiracy theories all came true. There was an actual secret government UFO project, and these objects had been tracked and chased. The story did not break on some UFO forum or conspiracy website but in a fact-checked article in the New York Times.

Then in June, during the Pandemic and U.S protests, another story emerged that the Pentagon was acknowledging this phenomenon. Yet, most people missed this as they were distracted by global events. This news item slivered out there during the most chaotic of times.

The UFO phenomena is a riddle wrapped in an enigma with so many avenues to explore to reveal its true origins.

Is Susan’s account real? Is alien abduction, experimentation and harvesting a genuine threat that humanity has endured for centuries if not millennia? Recent media soft disclosure would seem to indicate we may not be as alone in the Universe after all…

G L Davies invites, believer, and sceptic alike to delve deep into one of the most comprehensive testimonies in alien abduction history and decide for yourself.

Should these events be real, then no one is safe? The harvest has begun…


If you knew a book was haunted would you read it? Haunted book causing concern…

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